You have definitely arrived at the right place to buy your favorite cozy sleepwear of fine and lasting quality. You know you love Simple Pleasures sleepwear because you have worn it for years, and cannot part with your old nightgown of 20 years, right?
We are delighted you enjoy our comfortable cotton knits, so very much! And thought we could help you find a new choice so you can add a fresh new garment to your comfy sleepwear collection.
We know its all about comfort. And pretty much every one of our fabrics is very comfortable.
But, here are some thoughts to help in your selection:
If you are thinking warm, cozy and fluffy thoughts.. wishing for lofty cotton textures to help you on a frumpy day, the waffle fabric may be a great choice for you! It has great loft. The puckered texture of the waffle fabric feels lightly thick due to the air pockets created.
But, say you wish for the simplest refinery of a soft smooth cotton texture that gently caresses your skin, nourishing your senses with simplicity and serenity. If this is your desire, Your answer is Interlock.. or the supima of Tina Eva Renee. These fabrics will calm your skin. The Check Fabric is similar and ads a slight texture variation, but is still very soft.
Maybe you are a lady who likes to feel put together even in her pajamas, and are looking for a great texture to wear while guests pay a visit. The Dot fabric is great for concealing and hangs in a nice put-together kind of way. This is our most popular fabric. You will look fabulous, and your friends will each request a pair for their birthdays!
And lots of times, you want a particular style that lends to elegance, has pattern and yet is soft and slimming. Shadow Stripe is here for you! It helps keep the eye going vertical.
We have colors for all your possible whims of expression. Our pastels have kept ladies happy for years in a feminine and nourishing kind of way. And over the past few years, we have introduced rich and vibrant hues that have become popular very quickly.
We hope this gives you some help in your decision making process of waffle vs. interlock or dot vs. shadow stripe.. But, really, you dont have to think too long and hard about it! Its all a good choice. You probably would rather have one of each lined up in your sleepwear drawer anyways!
.. and please don't hesitate to give us a call if you have any questions!