News from the designer — gift for her
Handmade in my studio......
#veniselace american made artisan made sleepwear bath robe bed jacket blog bridal bride classic ladies sleepwear cotton bed jacket cotton knit nightgown cotton knit pajamas cotton knit sleepwear cotton nightgown dressing gown dressing robe fashion history female entrepreneur feminine gift for her inspiration ladies nightgown ladies sleepwear lifestyle blog lingerie luxury loungewear luxury sleepwear made in tennessee made in the usa modest sleepwear news from the designer nightgown simple pleasures simple pleasures couture simple pleasures lifestyle simple pleasures sleepwear simplepleasuressleepwear sleepwear springtime textured cotton knits Tina Eva Renee tinaevarenee venice lace vintage fashion vintage inspiration vintage sleepwear vintage style women in business worth remembering

This mood board is so "me!" From the dainty perfume bottles, to the vintage fashions, to the luscious feminine sleepwear.....I love it all! And "handmade" is a reflection of the quality that you will find in everything that I make, and in all that I collect. There is an appreciation for the work of artisan hands that permeates every fiber of my being! God placed in me that passion many years ago and it was further cemented there by the precious women who influenced me as I grew from a little girl with nimble fingers and a tiny thimble, to...
When it's hot it's hot!
american cotton american made artisan made sleepwear blog bride cotton cotton knit cotton knit gown cotton knit loungewear cotton knit night gowns cotton knit nightgown cotton knit sleepwear cotton lace feminine gift for her lingerie luxury loungewear luxury sleepwear made in tennessee made in the usa modest sleepwear news from the designer simple pleasures sleepwear simplepleasuressleepwear sleepwear thefabricofourlives womens night gown womens sleeepwear

It has been so incredibly hot in Middle Tennessee this summer! I live in my sleepwear around the clock so I go for the lightest but prettiest thing that I can find. When you have got to be "covered", but want to feel "naked" this is the route to go!
It's Fall in beautiful Tennessee!!
afternoon tea american made autumn blog blot posts bright colors Christian values classic ladies sleepwear cotton knit sleepwear fall gift for her healthy living herbal medicine herbal teas homemade made in the usa pumpkin pie Thanksgiving wild crafting

Time for pumpkins, dandelion tea, and hot homemade soups! I love to cook when I have time, and soups are my favorite thing to make. Always different because I throw in everything but the kitchen sink! Vegetarian Vegetable with Pasta......Loaded Potato with Cheddar.......Italian Sausage......yummm!!!! My pumpkins will eventually be scooped out for the seeds and the rest backed for delicious pies for Thanksgiving and Christmas. Pumpkin is oh-so-delicious and oh-so-healthy too! This is also the time of year when hot herbal teas are so enticing. I have a yard full of sage, thyme, echinacea, and yes....dandelions! No pesticides for us! ...
There's always something new!
#veniselace american made bed jacket cotton bed jacket cotton bed jackets gift for her ladies sleepwear lifestyle blog lingerie loungewear luxury loungewear luxury sleepwear made in tennessee made in the usa new simple pleasures couture simplepleasuressleepwear

A new bed jacket (because we sell so many!)
A beautiful day for photos..........
cap sleeve cotton lace Emma empire waist feminine gift for her ingenue jane austen Mother's Day regency ruffle sleeve Supima cotton Tina Eva Renee tinaevarenee vintage style

When God blesses you with a perfect day for photos, you just have to stop all else and have fun with it! That's what I did. Excited about this new sleeve treatment for spring.....can you tell I am a Jane Austen fan? P.S. Lovely for Mother's Day!