News from the designer — fashion history
Handmade in my studio......
#veniselace american made artisan made sleepwear bath robe bed jacket blog bridal bride classic ladies sleepwear cotton bed jacket cotton knit nightgown cotton knit pajamas cotton knit sleepwear cotton nightgown dressing gown dressing robe fashion history female entrepreneur feminine gift for her inspiration ladies nightgown ladies sleepwear lifestyle blog lingerie luxury loungewear luxury sleepwear made in tennessee made in the usa modest sleepwear news from the designer nightgown simple pleasures simple pleasures couture simple pleasures lifestyle simple pleasures sleepwear simplepleasuressleepwear sleepwear springtime textured cotton knits Tina Eva Renee tinaevarenee venice lace vintage fashion vintage inspiration vintage sleepwear vintage style women in business worth remembering

This mood board is so "me!" From the dainty perfume bottles, to the vintage fashions, to the luscious feminine sleepwear.....I love it all! And "handmade" is a reflection of the quality that you will find in everything that I make, and in all that I collect. There is an appreciation for the work of artisan hands that permeates every fiber of my being! God placed in me that passion many years ago and it was further cemented there by the precious women who influenced me as I grew from a little girl with nimble fingers and a tiny thimble, to...
Spotlight on Venise lace.........
#veniselace american cotton american made artisan made sleepwear Belgium cotton bed jacket cotton knit cotton knit bath robe cotton knit gown cotton knit loungewear cotton knit night gowns cotton knit pajamas cotton knit sleepwear fashion history France hand-made sleepwear history of lace Italy luxury loungewear luxury sleepwear made in the usa simple pleasures couture

Nothing highlights a neckline or sleeve quite like Venise lace. Originating in Italy as well as other parts of Europe, these intricate laces were originally made by hand and it could take years to complete one piece to accent a garment. Lace was eventually adapted to machines, though they themselves were quite complicated. Simple Pleasures Couture garments are tastefully adorned with Venise lace made right here in the USA.
bedtime boudoir boudoir cap fashion history hair accessories hair adornments lace cap lace hair adornments nighttime nineteenth century fashion simple pleasures lifestyle simple pleasures sleepwear twentieth century fashion vintage vintage fashion womens fashion history womens historic fashion

I have been researching the history of the boudoir cap, and I am fascinated by these adorable little accessories that were essential to the proper ladies' nighttime and early morning wardrobe. I have found countless examples of these fancy little caps, and four of my favorites are pictured below....the ribbon work, the delicate laces, the silks and satin.....I am amazed just thinking of the time that was devoted to making one of these precious adornments! For lots more examples visit my Pinterest board "Boudoir Caps". A boudoir cap is a form of lingerie nightcap that was popular in the nineteenth...
blog classic novels fashion history jane austen lliterature nineteenth century regency women in literature

I love this movie (and ALL Jane Austen movies!). Watched this one five times this weekend! I am fascinated by fashion history, and that of the Regency era is one of my favorites. I love the empire waistlines, the masses of tiny little pleats all around, the Spencer all sorts of other details very specific to this period. The theme of the movie Miss Austen Regrets is her biographical sketch, giving the viewer insight into why she wrote what she did. I am such a fan of this and all Jane Austen movies. I have been known to...
#veniselace dressing robe fashion history inspiration lace bed jacket ladies nightgown ladies sleepwear luxury sleepwear peignoir red robe simple pleasures simple pleasures lifestyle simple pleasures sleepwear sleepwear

Oh to be dressed in such feminine finery as one retires to her dressing room.......having luxuriated in a fragrant bath, powdered and perfumed, and now ready for a favorite novel to lull her into a relaxing stupor. Ahhhhh..........this is so me.