News from the designer — regency
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I love this movie (and ALL Jane Austen movies!). Watched this one five times this weekend! I am fascinated by fashion history, and that of the Regency era is one of my favorites. I love the empire waistlines, the masses of tiny little pleats all around, the Spencer all sorts of other details very specific to this period. The theme of the movie Miss Austen Regrets is her biographical sketch, giving the viewer insight into why she wrote what she did. I am such a fan of this and all Jane Austen movies. I have been known to...
A beautiful day for photos..........
cap sleeve cotton lace Emma empire waist feminine gift for her ingenue jane austen Mother's Day regency ruffle sleeve Supima cotton Tina Eva Renee tinaevarenee vintage style

When God blesses you with a perfect day for photos, you just have to stop all else and have fun with it! That's what I did. Excited about this new sleeve treatment for spring.....can you tell I am a Jane Austen fan? P.S. Lovely for Mother's Day!