News from the designer — twentieth century fashion
bedtime boudoir boudoir cap fashion history hair accessories hair adornments lace cap lace hair adornments nighttime nineteenth century fashion simple pleasures lifestyle simple pleasures sleepwear twentieth century fashion vintage vintage fashion womens fashion history womens historic fashion

I have been researching the history of the boudoir cap, and I am fascinated by these adorable little accessories that were essential to the proper ladies' nighttime and early morning wardrobe. I have found countless examples of these fancy little caps, and four of my favorites are pictured below....the ribbon work, the delicate laces, the silks and satin.....I am amazed just thinking of the time that was devoted to making one of these precious adornments! For lots more examples visit my Pinterest board "Boudoir Caps". A boudoir cap is a form of lingerie nightcap that was popular in the nineteenth...