New hopes and dreams............

Tina Woodruff american made bed jacket bedjacket best seller Christian values classic ladies sleepwear cotton cotton bed jacket cotton bedjacket cotton knit cotton knit bed jacket cotton knit loungewear cotton knit sleepwear cotton sleepwear dressing robe inspiration ladies sleepwear loungewear made in the usa madeinusa simple pleasures simple pleasures sleepwear simplepleasuressleepwear sleepwear textured knit trousseau womens loungewear womens sleepwear

I have big plans for this year.....for myself......and for my company.  So excited to turn the page and start an exciting new chapter in the "Simple Pleasures" of  my life!!  With God, all things are dream is too big for challenge too great.  Praying now that God will be my director....striving to allow him full rein of my ambitions.....full rein of my creative be the first One that I go to for guidance and not the last.  


With smiles and a few tears I'm also reflecting today about my "Mama Lottie"  who always said: "Tina, as bull-headed and determined as you are, you can do anything you want to if you set your mind to it."   


Finished another new bed jacket this seems that we cannot make enough of these little lovelies! 



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